Hire us to set it up for you?
This is the site I'm using to sell my film here. I created the mockup and my assistant Rakel did all the real work to make the site live. It's a barebones design to maximize compatibility and loading speed.
-Works great on both MAc/PC's and mobile devices
- Doesn't use any plugins or fancy scripting
- Dead simple for potential customers to use
-Makes it easy for customers to share your site
For us to make your site live you only need to supply:
- Film into text: Film title, tagline, etc
- Some key art from the film to design your site background
- A link to your trailer on youtube or vimeo
- Info from your film to create the Nfo
- Three screenshots from your film
Once you supply these materials your site will be up in 48-72 hours
The flat fee for this service is $150 payable via paypal
*To complete the work you will need to add us as a "blog author" so we can work on your site. Once the work is done you simply remove us as authors.